Saturday, July 10, 2010

Beating The Heat With Your iPod

Summer in Boston has two extremes: really hot or really rainy. This week, we've had a bit of both.

My commute home this past Tuesday was absolutely horrible, complete with being stuck in the hardly-ventilated Park Street T station and having to walk for 15 minutes to my apartment in unbearable humidity. But as usual, my iPod came to the rescue!

Just as I was getting incredibly fed up with the day's climate, my shuffle mixed in "Burning Down The House" by The Talking Heads:

"Hold tight/we're in for nasty weather... three hundred sixty five degrees/burning down the house!"

How fitting. David Byrne's vocals really got me going, and took my mind off of the heat for a few minutes. But I wanted more. I needed a perfect followup song. I found it in Jimi Hendrix:

Music --> Artists --> Jimi Hendrix Experience --> Electric Ladyland --> "House Burnin' Down"

"Look at the sky/turn a hell fire red/somebody's house is burnin'/down, down down."

Boston Heatacolypse 2010? All but forgot, thanks to my music collection!

Inspired by this happening, I now present an iMix of songs perfect for the dog days of summer:

Bonus weather-related iMix that I made earlier this year: